Portfolio Advice Service  

Scope of Service

This service suits people who would like our advice on their investment goals, strategy and portfolio and who would like us to consider their personal situation when providing this advice. We will take care of all administration of the portfolio, and provide ongoing portfolio management advice, with the client retaining the final say on all investment decisions.

Portfolio Advice: We will design an investment strategy and portfolio we believe best aligns with your personal circumstances (as disclosed to us), risk profile and investment goals. When approved, we will implement your portfolio.

We will provide advice on asset allocation and individual securities and seek your approval prior to transacting. You make the final investment decision to proceed or not.

We will consider accommodating specific client requests or mandates in this service.

Jarden Research: We will make Jarden Research available to you, where appropriate.

Transactional Services: We will provide you with a transactional service (buy/sell) for financial products as directed and otherwise instructed by you. We can access all local and major global markets.

Cash management and foreign currency service: We will provide you with access to a cash management and foreign currency service if you select that service.

Custodial Service: Investments which we advise you on under the Portfolio Advice Service are held in our custodial service. Our independent custodian, FNZ Limited (FNZ), will administer your holdings. The FNZ Disclosure Statement is available here.

Investment decisions

While we make investment recommendations, clients retain approval on all investment decisions in this service.

Main benefits and risks

The key benefit of this service includes investment advice to help you keep on track to reach your investment goals.

You will have access to a financial adviser who will provide portfolio advice and recommendations as appropriate. We also take care of all administration, via our custodial service, and provide regular reporting to you.

The risks of this service include the limitation of our advice. We focus only on investment advice and do not consider broader financial planning issues which could have a material impact on your financial situation.

While we make recommendations, you retain control over investment decisions. If you do not act upon the recommendations and advice we provide, this may impact your ability to meet your investment goals.

Ongoing service and reports

Our service and advice will be customised to your requirements. You will receive standard portfolio reports each quarter, which includes information on your holdings, transactions and performance.


The scope of this service is limited to the agreed parameters and based on your specific circumstances disclosed to us, as well as your risk profile, investment goals, and investment time horizon. We will ensure our advice is suitable for you based on what you have told us, but we won’t be able to take into account anything you haven’t told us about, so please bear that in mind when considering our advice.

If you wish to receive advice on particular investments or opportunities arising outside of your portfolio, the provision of such advice or service will need to be separately agreed.

We do not provide advice on other financial planning issues such as insurance, taxation, legal or regulatory advice, estate planning, direct property or real estate advice, or asset protection.


Clients in this service will be charged brokerage on transactions and an ongoing annual fee which will cover administration and monitoring. There may be other fees if any other services of Jarden are used, such as cash management, foreign exchange and managed funds. More information on fees can be found in our Portfolio Advice Service Disclosure Statement.

Delivered by

This service is provided by Jarden Wealth Limited and your qualified Financial Adviser. Jarden Wealth Limited is a registered financial services provider (FSP1006426), an NZX Advising Participant, and holds a Financial Advice Provider licence, issued by the Financial Markets Authority. Research may be available electronically.

To join this service

Your financial adviser can guide you through this process.


Portfolio Advice Service - Disclosure Statement

This document sets out important information about Jarden’s Portfolio Advice Service. It is important you read it carefully to ensure you understand it. Please contact your Jarden adviser with any queries.

Jarden’s Financial Advice Disclosure Statement and Privacy Policy are both publicly available on our website: Jarden.co.nz

Financial advice is provided by Jarden Wealth Limited and your qualified Financial Adviser on behalf of Jarden

Wealth Limited. Jarden Wealth Limited is a registered financial services provider (FSP1006426) and holds a

Financial Advice Provider licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority.



This service suits people who would like our advice on their investment goals, strategy and portfolio, and who would like us to consider their personal situation when providing this advice. We will take care of all administration of the portfolio, and provide ongoing portfolio management advice, with the client retaining the final say on all investment decisions.

We can provide advice on financial products including equities, bonds, deposits, foreign exchange and funds.

The information in this disclosure statement relates to our Portfolio Advice Service. Further details regarding the Portfolio Advice Service are contained in the Scope of Service.

Please contact your Jarden adviser if you would like to find out more about Jarden’s other financial advice services, including our Transactional Advice Service and Discretionary Investment Management Service.



The table below outlines a summary of when and how fees will be charged for this service.


Category Description Amount

Administration and custody fee

We will charge a fee for the administration of portfolios and safekeeping assets we hold in custody on your behalf. This fee is a percentage of the value of the assets under administration.

The administration and custody fee will be agreed with you. It will be a percentage per annum of the value of the assets held in custody.

Management fee

If agreed ongoing portfolio management is part of your service, we will charge an additional fee for this. The fee is a percentage of the value of the assets under administration.

The portfolio management fee will be agreed with you. It will be a percentage per annum of the value of the assets held in the portfolio, plus GST.

Brokerage fee

We will charge a brokerage or commission fee on secondary market transactions that we arrange on your behalf, plus any applicable market trade fees and any agency transaction and settlement fees for offshore market trades.

Applied on a per transaction basis, based on the rate agreed with you before the transaction is initiated. Brokerage is paid at the time the transaction is settled.

Minimum brokerage fees

We will charge minimum brokerage fees in the relevant trading exchange currency for the transactions.

Minimum brokerage fees, being “50” as an amount in the relevant trading exchange currency (e.g., NZD50, AUD50, GBP50, USD50).

Funds on call

We may charge a margin on the rate of interest paid to you on money held on your behalf in the cash management account(s) within your portfolio.

Margin: the rate of interest we pay to you less the rate of interest we receive from time to time.

The smaller the amount deposited, the lower the rate of interest that is paid (e.g., the lowest rate paid to clients might be 1.25% pa gross and the highest 3% pa gross on the amount deposited).

Funds on term deposit

We may charge a margin on the interest paid to you on money so held or arranged on your behalf on term deposit.

Margin: a minimum of $40 and may be applied as either a basis points charge or as a set flat fee (e.g., the brokerage charge on a $25,000 deposit might be a minimum of $50).

Break fees

Break fees may be charged if you wish to withdraw funds on term deposit before the maturity date, and early withdrawal is approved by the deposit taker.

Minimum amount stipulated by the bank deposit taker of at least $100.

Individual action fees

We will charge individual action fees that relate to transfers of stock into and out of the custodial service, and bank charges.

The relevant custodial market transfer and bank fees will apply on termination of service. Individual action fees are payable when due and deducted from available funds on your account.

Foreign exchange

We will charge a margin on the exchange rate applied in respect of any trade and non-trade related transactions involving the conversion of currencies will be after we take a margin on the exchange rate by deduction of basis points.


Margin: the exchange rate at which we undertake the exchange transaction as advised to you less the exchange rate charged to us or we apply to a transaction.

As a guide, a minimum of 25 basis points may be applied as a margin although the amount may be higher (e.g., 45 basis points) depending on the currency and amount involved.


Further details of potential transaction charges are outlined in the Fee Schedule. Fees may be changed on written notice to you in accordance with our Terms and Conditions. We will also give you regular information showing the fees and expenses actually charged.



A conflict of interest may arise where the interests of Jarden or any of our advisers may be perceived to materially influence our advice.

The table below outlines potential conflicts of interests that may arise (these are also outlined in section 5 of the Service Disclosure Statement - Jarden’s conflicts of interest): 

Potential conflict


Jarden Securities Limited (JSL)

JSL is a subsidiary of Jarden Group Limited, which has an investment in FirstCape Group Limited , the ultimate parent company of Jarden Wealth Limited.

We will consider investment opportunities in different investment products when providing the DIMS. The investments will be appropriate for the investment strategy agreed with you. Investments in your portfolio may include those in shares and debt securities in which JSL may have a role in the offering syndicate. 

JSL is in the business of investment banking (e.g., mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate advisory work, new issues of investment product, secondary offerings and placements and other transactions) with companies whose securities in which Jarden may transact and manage in the DIMS. JSL may also trade in investment products as principal for its own account. Our research analysts and JSL research analysts publish investment and economic research that will be used as one of a number of sources of analysis in providing the service to you.

JSL acts as a Trading and Clearing Participant for Jarden clients. 

Jarden’s other related companies and affiliated persons

We may invest in securities that are issued, or funds that are managed, by a related or associated company of Jarden. Currently these include Harbour Asset Management Limited and PearlFisher Capital Limited. Any such related party will receive fees for their management of these securities or funds. Those fees are either charged on an arms-length basis (as in, they are the same as the fees charged to those investing direct) or alternatively as set out in the applicable documentation.

In addition, National Australia Group (NZ) Limited (NAB) is a shareholder in FirstCape Group Limited. We may invest in securities that are issued by NAB (or any of its subsidiaries including BNZ). These related parties may benefit from any investments placed with them.


JSL and Jarden may be paid fees by the companies and persons either acts for (e.g., brokerage of a percentage of the dollar amount subscribed for by the investor, plus a percentage as a firm allocation fee plus if in a syndicate as a lead manager, a percentage as arranger or a fixed fee amount). 

In some situations, JSL may also act as underwriter of an issue, which means that the issuer will pay JSL an underwriting fee for the risk taken by JSL in supporting the transaction. The amount of the underwriting fee will vary depending on the risk of the transaction concerned. 

All of these fees can and do vary by transaction. Investment banking fees for advisory and M&A work will vary by transaction. 

Adviser remuneration

The remuneration of Jarden’s advisers is comprised of a fixed salary and a discretionary attribution bonus and additional discretionary bonus, payable at the discretion of Jarden’s Board and Remuneration Committee. 

Bonuses are discretionary payments. They are not solely based on individual performance and include consideration of the individual’s conduct as well as reference to Jarden’s revenue that is attributable to the specific financial adviser. Bonuses are not influenced by the choices of financial products included in an investor’s portfolio. 

Jarden Compliance undertakes sample client file inspections from time to time to ensure the advice provided promotes good outcomes for our clients. 

Shareholdings in Jarden / FirstCape

Jarden advisers may have an equity interest in the Jarden Group Limited (a related company of Jarden Wealth and Asset Management Holdings Limited, a shareholder of FirstCape Group Limited) or a direct equity interest in FirstCape Group Limited. Any payment of dividends or other distributions to shareholders has no effect on the service provided.



Manage conflicts of interest

Jarden maintains a comprehensive and robust framework of policies and processes to manage conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest are managed by various means including use of appropriate disclosures, separation of functions, compliance policies and declining to act. Our Remuneration Committee manages employee compensation including any discretionary bonus.


Before opening an account with Jarden, please read the Terms and Conditions in full. We provide our services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.